GWT ramblings of a Flex developer – localization / I18N

January 30, 2012

Hello again,

This time I want to talk about localization (a.k.a. i18n).

As Flex developers, as I assume you already know, all you have to do is create a *.properties file (say and in it define keys with localized values, like:


Then, in the main application mxml, you would define the resource bundles:


And basically you’re done. All you need to do to use it, is use the ResourceManager class to access the localized value of the key.

Simple stuff, right?

Not so with GWT…
Read more here.

Using resource modules

December 10, 2009

Ilan Avigdor, a colleague of mine, has posted a top notch and very interesting set of posts regarding resource modules in Flex.

You can read the Adobe livedocs atricle here, Ilan’s detailed explanation and code example here and his detailed instructions on how to use Flex Builder to compile these resource modules instead of manually here.